General settings

The General settings section contains general options for the widget.

Options list:

  • Enable on mobile - you can enable or disable the widget on mobile devices (including phones and tablets).

  • Sandbox mode - you can use this mode for troubleshooting and testing. In this mode, the widget will be visible for allowed IP addresses only.

  • Server TimeZone - current timezone of your server. Leave this field value as AUTO to autodetect.

  • Enable widget on pages - you can specify on which pages of your site the widget should be displayed.

  • Disable widget on pages - you can specify on which pages of your site the widget should not be displayed.

  • Include FontAwesome CSS file - if enabled, the fontawesome css file will be added to your page. This file is required if you use FontAwesome icons.

  • Minify plugin JS output - compress the JavaScript code of the widget to reduce traffic and overall size of the JS file. We recommend keeping this option ON.

  • Disable plugin initialization - disable automatic initialization of the widget JS plugin. If this option is ON you need to initialize the plugin manually by calling JavaScript code contactUs.init(arcuOptions);

  • Hide main widget button after page loads - if enabled, the main widget will be hidden after the page loads.

  • Delay plugin initialization - delay JS plugin initialization for X milliseconds. 0 means immediate plugin initialization without delay.

  • Google Analytics account ID - the ID of Google Universal Analytics Account. This field is required if you want to use Google Universal Analytics to track events of the plugin widget.

  • Include Google Analytics SDK script - if enabled, the GA script will be included on the page. Please disable this option if you already have the GA script on your page.

  • Create new Google Analytics tracker - this option is required if you want to use Google Universal Analytics to track events of the plugin widget.

  • Disable "Callback" admin menu item - this option to hide the callback menu item (and page as well) from the admin area.

  • Disable "Email requests" admin menu item - this option to hide the email requests menu item (and page as well) from the admin area.

  • Access to callback list - option to select roles that will be able to access callback and email requests lists.

  • Font - you can change the plugin font using this option. To use the default font, please leave this field blank. To use the font of the theme, please set this field value to "inherit".

  • Custom CSS rules - you can set custom CSS rules using this field in case you need to fix or change some CSS.

Last updated