Button settings

The Button settings section is dedicated to the main button's appearance.

You can set up the main button options separately for desktop and mobile devices.

Options list:

  • Button mode - the mode of the main widget button. The main button can work in 3 different modes:

    • Menu - the menu will be shown by clicking the main button.

    • Callback only - a callback form will be shown by clicking the main button.

    • Single menu item - the first menu item action will be performed by clicking the main button.

  • Button icon type - main button icon type. Can be Built-in SVG or Uploaded image.

  • Button Icon - button icon or an uploaded image.

  • Online badge - show the online badge near the main button.

  • Color theme - the theme color. This color will be applied to the main button, menu header, form header, and form action buttons.

  • Button size - the size of the button. Can be Huge, Large, Medium, or Small.

  • Button icon size - the size of the button icon (pixels).

  • Position - position of the main button. Can be Left or Right.

  • Appearing animation - the main button appearing animation.

  • X-axis offset - the offset of the main button by x-axis (pixels).

  • Y-axis offset - the offset of the main button by y-axis (pixels).

  • Pulsate speed - the pulsate animation speed (milliseconds).

  • Icon slider speed - the button icon slider animation speed. 0 means disable the slider animation.

  • Icon slider animation pause - a pause between animation cycles for icon slider animation.

  • Icon text - main button icon label. Appears below the button icon.

  • Button title - main button title will appear at the right top of the button.

  • Button description - main button description will appear below the button title.

  • Button label - button label will appear below the button description.

Last updated